“The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
The acorn harkens Andrew’s indigenous name, Usti Adayahi (“Little Oak”) – given to him by a family elder following the burial of his grandfather.
It’s symbolism speaks to Andrew’s core belief in the unfathomable potential within each of us and the calling – driven by love – to protect, nourish, explore, and express it. Imagining every seed’s potential to grow thousands of forests serves as a reminder that, despite appearances, our own potential is colossal.
Awareness of this permeates Andrew’s soul and informs his pursuit of sovereignty, self-determination, liberation, healing, dharma, and right livelihood.

Presently, Andrew’s vocational focus is holistic wellness – expressed predominantly through his practice as a somatic bodyworker.
Alongside this, he continues to cultivate a diverse range of complementary skill sets as a chef, a farmer, a builder, and a lifelong self-directed learner. He occasionally moonlights as a facilitator & experience designer, a podcast host & producer, a production assistant, and as a consultant.
Andrew is a poet, a visual artist, an audio artist, an activist, a food systems field-builder, a thought leader & educator about the “Next Economy” / ”Regenerative Economy” / ”Beloved Economy”, a full-time nomad, an experienced pet & house sitter, and a beloved community member. He grounds his spirit by balancing his movement practice with his stillness practice.
Andrew X cultivates a liberatory praxis of centering historically-marginalized communities rooted in the pursuit of self-determination and cultural healing. His work lives at the intersections of healing & justice for marginalized people & places, regenerative agriculture & food systems, ownership of land & labor, social enterprise ecosystems, holistic design, and systems change. Andrew focuses largely on serving BIPOC-led enterprise & land projects. He loves being immersed in the natural world and nourishing community. He currently hangs his hat on unceded Coast Miwok lands in the SF Bay Area & unceded Nisenan lands around Nevada City.